
Welcome to ‘amountainhigh’, a collection of travel/trip reports, gear reviews and general musings from the UK, Europe and beyond.   Whether its hiking, backpacking, scrambling, climbing or packrafting, the common theme is enjoying the outdoors and the mountains in particular.


To further our adventures in 2017 we bought a campervan (Westfalia Columbus 600D) and spent three months during the summer of 2018  travelling through Europe, wildcamping most of the way. Now back in UK we try and fit in trips when we can to make the most of exploring and the outdoors.

SpringadorAdventure Dog

Rosie, our ‘springador’ – cross between Labrador and Springer Spaniel – is a constant companion on our adventures.  Her energy seems to know no bounds and she’s proud of her own little rucksack and buoyancy aid.

In Remission

I’m fortunate to have survived three bouts of cancer and my original blog “Nigel’s Blog…Cancer and all that” was started as a way to give me something to focus on during the sustained chemotherapy and surgery, and to also, hopefully, provide a reference point to others venturing into a similar unknown.

It was other’s outdoor and travel blogs that helped inspire me after my treatment and re-ignited my love for the outdoors and making an effort to make the most of the time we have. So if in any small way my blog helps encourage or inspire others then all the better.


Disclaimer:  As an Amazon Affiliate, I may include to products I recommend and have typically used myself.  If you click on any of these links and buy any product from Amazon, I may receive a small commission for the sale at no cost to you – you pay the same Amazon price. The small commission I earn goes towards keeping my blog online.