As a member of several campervan and motorhome Facebook groups and forums I often see the same questions coming up repeatedly, often regarding practicalities and technology. It’s easy to forget that we’re all a beginner at one point and none of us are experts in everything. For example, technology is creeping into campervan/MH ownership yet may out there are self-confessed technophobes.
We all learn from other and from experience, which makes Facebook groups and web so great as they make it easy for people to share their experiences. However sometimes the sheer amount of often conflicting responses to questions posted can itself be confusing to the originator.
So I’ve decided to start a series of ‘How to’ posts covering topics that I commonly see people asking, and I’ll aim to expand it to a variety of topics over time. I hope you find them useful – I’m no expert (though having been in the mobile/telecoms industry for 30 years I have a keen interest in technology and gadgets) so any advice will be based on my own knowledge and experience, but remember I too am learning all the time!
If I recommend any products then invariably they are product I’ve used myself. I am an Amazon Affiliate which means that if you click on any links and purchase then I will receive a small commission – at no cost to you. The few pounds a month I may earn help towards the cost of hosting my blog.
Recent #How to posts

Get ready for your first campervan trip to Europe
In the summer of 2018, a few months after buying our first campervan, we headed off on our first journey across the Channel as we embarked on a 3-month trip around Europe. Europe is a wonderfully welcoming and diverse region waiting to be explored. More importantly, unlike some of the Read More …

How to Watch TV in your Campervan
Whilst many of us like to get away in our campervans, a bit of TV does no harm whether its keeping up with the news, keeping the kids occupied or helping while away dark winter evenings. But what are the options for receiving/watching TV in your campervan when you’re out Read More …

Self-Install GPS Tracker for your Campervan or Motorhome
With an apparent increase of motorhome/campervan thefts, security is a hot topic on Facebook groups/forums and GPS trackers are a commonly discussed option. Approved trackers, professionally installed and monitored, are often mandated by insurance companies for high-value vehicles. But cheap self-install options are available. Some will say GPS trackers are a waste of Read More …

Budget Breakdown: Three Month Europe Campervan Trip
Following our three-month trip around Europe this summer I received several messages asking for information on costs/budget for our trip. I’ve managed to collate a log of all our spending during the 3-month trip and prepare a full breakdown of our spending for the entire trip. Some context/caveats on our Read More …