After neglecting my blog for some months now, I currently packing for a 6-day hut-to-hut route around the Wildhorn in the Swiss Alps.
The past few months have been busy with work and sorting some personal stuff, so no UK trips save for a couple of climbing weekends down in Portland, though I have been climbing regularly at Westway but it really doesn’t lend itself to blogging! You don’t even need much kit so no shiny new gear to test – though I did succumb to a Black Diamond Couloir lightweight harness for the Alps trip.
So I’m all packed and taxi ordered for 5am to Heathrow, so hopefully a trip worthy of a report on my return!
I have the Couloir and it's a great harness. Also, it drew some admiring nods from various guides in the Cairngorms this year including Ron so that gives you a sense of how good it is for alpine work. Nice buy. I'm looking forward to the report – enjoy!
Nigel have a great time and take care.